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2V2 RULES : 

Last Updated 21/02/2021  :


Teams will add the opposing team as Activision friends and load into a game together on the BR Quads playlist. If both teams are at an agreement and the VG Royale Quads playlist is available, you may search into this.
Best of 1 Format - You will play a best of 1 map, the winner will be the team at the end of the map. Best of 2 Format - You will play a best of 2, the winner will be the team who accumulates more kills combined over the 2 maps. Best of 3 Format - You will play a best of 3, the winner will be who wins 2 maps first. Kills do not carry over maps! If there is a tie in either the winners bracket or losers bracket, another map will be played and if this results in a tie the team who did the most damage in the tiebreaker will be the winner.


Games must be played on NA / Mainland EU servers (excluding Turkey). Players from outside these countries are welcome to join our tournaments but the lobbies must be hosted by a teammate based in one of these locations. VPNs are expressly forbidden and will result in the whole team potentially being DQ’d and banned from Triggzz Tourneys.

The lowest seed (number closest to 1): If both teams are EU based or both are NA based - Lowest seed hosts Map 1 and Map 3. If it's one EU v one NA - Map 3 is hosted by the team with the most kills across the 2 maps. If a team pulls out the map with teammates still being alive, the third map host will automatically go to the other team. In the losers bracket, the newest team to the losers will host. If this is not possible the lowest seed (closest number to 1) will host.

Sabotage & Interference in the opponents gameplay:

Teams are permitted to work together, however you must not intentionally cause the death of your opponent/s. This includes any negative interference - shooting at your opponents to uncover their position, excessive pinging or harming your opponents in any way. Video proof must be provided if any rules are broken, please speak to an admin before backing out the match unless you are 100% sure this is a reset/forfeit. BUT, sabotage is allowed if you enter an opponents vehicle, if this occurs whilst you are in an opponents vehicle while they are in control the above rule is voided and the game may continue on.

Sabotage is a very controversial topic with 2v2 tournaments, we encourage every participant reads the rules thoroughly and any questions for them to create a support ticket. Administrators will always be friendly and answer any questions you have!

Streaming Requirements:

At least one member from a team must stream but ALL PC players must stream and show their task manager at the start before beginning their first round of the tournament. Full task manager must be shown by scrolling through to the bottom. If their stream is disrupted and restarted, they must show task manager once again in the new stream. Triggzz Tourneys reserves the right to request this information be shown again at any point during the tournament. Past VODs must be enabled & available for all the public to see.

It is your duty to ensure & request for your opponents you are playing to show task manager before starting the game, if they refuse to show task manager please let an admin know. In cases where task manager has not been shown but they have beaten you in a round of a 2v2, a replay will not be given unless there is legitimate suspicion of a third party software being used. In extreme circumstances, players may be DQ’d.


Disconnections & Dev Errors:

If there is an Activision wide server disconnect for a competitor and they provide proof, if an admin approves, the map will be reset with the same kills at the exact moment the player disconnects, see the ' Resetting Maps ' section for more rules on how maps should be replayed. If a competitor states to the other team and an admin they are experiencing packet loss/high ping before they exit the plane, they can reset the map. If the other team is host and they are refusing to back out, the player experiencing lag may back out.

A reset may not be given will be given if a competitor begins to lag after exiting the plane. Dev errors will result in a map reset but the map will be restarted with the same kills at the exact moment the player dev errors. See the 'Resetting Maps' section for more rules on how maps should be replayed. Valid proof must be sent to an admin of the dev error, if no valid proof is shown the map will not be replayed. DO NOT leave a game without an admins instructions in your Discord chat, Discord DM’s or Twitch chat, continue to play out the game and await further instructions. If you leave a map without an admins instructions and the decision goes against you, you must sit out the map - no replays will be given.


If a team is fully eliminated and have no Gulag attempts remaining and in the in-game event ‘Jailbreak’ occurs, upon redeploying, the team which was fully eliminated before this event was initiated must break their legs and fall to their death, players that have been re-deployed because of this must fall to the ground immediately and not try to accumulate further kills - attempting this will result in a disqualification. If your teammate is alive when the jailbreak occurs, you may redeploy safely.

Hackers & Glitches:

If you feel you have killed by a hacker or a glitch, you must inform an admin via discord, alert the opponents in game chat within 3 minutes of the death happening and DM us on discord with a clip as soon as possible. You may carry on the map as usual while admins make their decision. DO NOT leave the game without an admins instructions, once an admin has given you the 100% go ahead you may leave the game. Your opponents must be informed via the in game chat. Please see the ' Resetting Maps ' section for information on our rulings for replaying/resetting maps due to hackers and glitches.

Resetting Maps:

When resetting a map for any reason and an admin has agreed, kills should carry over to the new replayed map. Example : Team A has 12 total kills, Team B have 7 total kills and they are killed by a cheater. The map will be replayed with the kill count from when the cheater has eliminated the member of the team. Going into the replayed map Team A will be +5 on kills going in and everyone the new map will be played out.

Kills on AFK Opponents :

If a competitor goes out of their way to purposely find AFK players to gain an advantage over them on kills, those kills must be deducted from the total score and instead awarded to the other team.

Repeat offenders will be forced to forfeit a map, to then forfeit a series and potentially be disqualified from the tournament. 

Restricted Items :

Any skins which help you gain an advantage due to an in game bug such as part of the body being invisible are banned. 

Rules: Welcome


Last Updated 21/02/2021  :


Each teams duo will add the opposing teams 'oddman'  as Activision friends and load into a game together on the BR Trios playlist. If both teams are at an agreement and the VG Royale Trios playlist is available, you may search into this.
Best of 1 Format - You will play a best of 1 map, the winner will be the team at the end of the map. Best of 2 Format - You will play a best of 2, the winner will be the team who accumulates more kills combined over the 2 maps. Best of 3 Format - You will play a best of 3, the winner will be who wins 2 maps first. Kills do not carry over maps! If there is a tie in either the winners bracket or losers bracket, another map will be played and if this results in a tie the team who did the most damage in the tiebreaker will be the winner.


Games must be played on NA / Mainland EU servers (excluding Turkey). Players from outside these countries are welcome to join our tournaments but the lobbies must be hosted by a teammate based in one of these locations. VPNs are expressly forbidden and will result in the whole team potentially being DQ’d and banned from Triggzz Tourneys.

All games of will be hosted by each teams respective 'oddman' regardless of seed, 

Sabotage & Interference in the opponents gameplay:

Teams are permitted to work together, however you must not intentionally cause the death of your opponent/s. This includes any negative interference - shooting at your opponents to uncover their position, excessive pinging or harming your opponents in any way. Video proof must be provided if any rules are broken, please speak to an admin before backing out the match unless you are 100% sure this is a reset/forfeit. BUT, sabotage is allowed if you enter an opponents vehicle, if this occurs whilst you are in an opponents vehicle while they are in control the above rule is voided and the game may continue on.

Sabotage is a very controversial topic with tournaments, we encourage every participant reads the rules thoroughly and any questions for them to create a support ticket. Administrators will always be friendly and answer any questions you have!

Streaming Requirements:

At least one member from a team must stream but ALL PC players must stream and show their task manager at the start before beginning their first round of the tournament. Full task manager must be shown by scrolling through to the bottom. If their stream is disrupted and restarted, they must show task manager once again in the new stream. Triggzz Tourneys reserves the right to request this information be shown again at any point during the tournament. Past VODs must be enabled & available for all the public to see.

It is your duty to ensure & request for your opponents you are playing to show task manager before starting the game, if they refuse to show task manager please let an admin know. In cases where task manager has not been shown but they have beaten you, a replay will not be given unless there is legitimate suspicion of a third party software being used. In extreme circumstances, players may be DQ’d.


Disconnections & Dev Errors:

If there is an Activision wide server disconnect for a competitor and they provide proof, if an admin approves, the map will be reset with the same kills at the exact moment the player disconnects, see the ' Resetting Maps ' section for more rules on how maps should be replayed. If a competitor states to the other team and an admin they are experiencing packet loss/high ping before they exit the plane, they can reset the map. If the other team is host and they are refusing to back out, the player experiencing lag may back out.

A reset may not be given will be given if a competitor begins to lag after exiting the plane. Dev errors will result in a map reset but the map will be restarted with the same kills at the exact moment the player dev errors. See the 'Resetting Maps' section for more rules on how maps should be replayed. Valid proof must be sent to an admin of the dev error, if no valid proof is shown the map will not be replayed. DO NOT leave a game without an admins instructions in your Discord chat, Discord DM’s or Twitch chat, continue to play out the game and await further instructions. If you leave a map without an admins instructions and the decision goes against you, you must sit out the map - no replays will be given.


If a team is fully eliminated and have no Gulag attempts remaining and in the in-game event ‘Jailbreak’ occurs, upon redeploying, the team which was fully eliminated before this event was initiated must break their legs and fall to their death, players that have been re-deployed because of this must fall to the ground immediately and not try to accumulate further kills - attempting this will result in a disqualification. If your teammate is alive when the jailbreak occurs, you may redeploy safely.

Hackers & Glitches:

If you feel you have killed by a hacker or a glitch, you must inform an admin via discord, alert the opponents in game chat within 3 minutes of the death happening and DM us on discord with a clip as soon as possible. You may carry on the map as usual while admins make their decision. DO NOT leave the game without an admins instructions, once an admin has given you the 100% go ahead you may leave the game. Your opponents must be informed via the in game chat. Please see the ' Resetting Maps ' section for information on our rulings for replaying/resetting maps due to hackers and glitches.

Resetting Maps:

When resetting a map for any reason and an admin has agreed, kills should carry over to the new replayed map. Example : Team A has 12 total kills, Team B have 7 total kills and they are killed by a cheater. The map will be replayed with the kill count from when the cheater has eliminated the member of the team. Going into the replayed map Team A will be +5 on kills going in and everyone the new map will be played out.

Kills on AFK Opponents :

If a competitor goes out of their way to purposely find AFK players to gain an advantage over them on kills, those kills must be deducted from the total score and instead awarded to the other team.

Repeat offenders will be forced to forfeit a map, to then forfeit a series and potentially be disqualified from the tournament. 

Restricted Items :

Any skins which help you gain an advantage due to an in game bug such as part of the body being invisible are banned. 

Extra Rules for 3v3 Oddman Tournaments :

Oddmans are not allowed to change throughout the tournament, you must keep the same one throughout the tournament to avoid confusion.

All games are to be hosted by the oddman, regardless of seed. 

Rules: Welcome


Last Updated 21/02/2021 :

Regarding Weapon, perk & lethal and tacticals bans for tournaments, we switch it up often usually for each tournament, please make sure to check the certain ban restrictions before the tournament in the #bans in our Discord server. 

General Rules :

No Hacks / Third Party Software. - All PC players MUST stream and show Task manager prior to tournament start. - Anyone found using in game glitches will be forfeited from the tournament. - If all team members are console players, at least 1 team member must stream. - There is an optional delay for streamers, we recommend having one but it is not essential. If there is any technical difficulties, please speak to a member of staff and let us know so we can offer a work around / a solution.

Streaming Requirements :

At least one member from a team must stream but ALL PC players must stream and show their task manager at the start before beginning their first round of the tournament. Full task manager must be shown by scrolling through to the bottom. If their stream is disrupted and restarted, they must show task manager once again in the new stream. Triggzz Tourneys reserves the right to request this.

When We Reset : 

If there is found to be a hacker within the tournament the map will be reset. If anyone is switched into a random squad when starting the game, we will call a reset if we are made aware within 1 minute. If multiple people are experiencing bad connection, we will have reset once. If this continues we will have to play on. If multiple people DC from the game we will reset.

When We Do Not Reset :

If people are too slow to get into the lobby. If one or two people DC or crash at the start of the lobby. We will be the decider of this, teams that are in fighting chance will be considered more highly for resets. We will not reset when one or two players are encountering issues. We will not reset when there is found to be a smurf in the lobby. The offending team will be removed and we will continue playing.


Modified Scoring:

On certain occasions we will have to modify scoring. You can find the information below for modifications: - When one/some but not all of your team get killed by a team using banned items (+1 point for every death to this team) - When all of your team get killed by a team using banned items (average score will be awarded for that map) - If one or more teammates miss the start of the game or DC before started, for full team see next point (average kills will be added on, i.e. one player DC's and team gets 6 kills without them, the corrected will be 9) - If your full team misses the start of the game and it is not deemed as your fault (average score will be awarded for that map).

Hosting :

Our events are primarily EU based at the moment, however all regions are allowed to enter the tournament. Please be aware that you will have a slight disadvantage due to ping if you are playing from a further location.

Rules: Welcome


Last Updated 08/12/2021:

Tournament Entry :

The full tournament must be played with the team you registered with. You must be fully registered and your team must be paid for before any tournament play. All registered players must have their Call of Duty profiles set to be accessible for data and score checks. Any changes to your registered team must be approved by admin prior to your start time. All entry fees are non-refundable, entry fees will only be refunded at Triggzz's discretion. If you would like to re-run the tournament with the same team, you must re-register with a different team name and your best score will only qualify for placement.

Hosting & Location :

Games must be hosted on NA host / Mainland EU (excluding Turkey) the use of a VPN to change your location is strongly prohibited and will result in a DQ. Players from all around the world are allowed to compete in our tournament, if you must VPN to one of our authorized locations to compete DM an admin. Any attempt to manipulate your location / geographical location will result in a disqualification and possibly a permanent ban from Triggzz Tourneys

Streaming Rules :
Every PC Player is required to stream. n a team of all console players, at least one must stream and the host must show Geographical Location. The host of the lobby is required to stream and abide by our Geographical Location rules. PC streamers must show their full task manager with no transitions on their stream. All players, regardless of PC or console must show their geo location the Warzone menu, no transitions should take place on stream when this happens. Ping / Latency must not be covered and visible in the top left of their screen for PC players. If your stream or gameplay is interrupted, you must re-show all required items before resuming match play. The voice sound of all players must be on stream at all times. Authorized steaming platforms are : Twitch / Facebook Gaming / Youtube. Streams must be available for at least 72 hours for our admin team to monitor and review, archive mode must be on for Twitch streamers. Your stream title must contain ' Triggzz Tourneys Tournament'

Cheating :

Cheating in a Triggzz Tourneys event will result in a disqualification and will be shared within the community to fellow tournament hosts. Sharing an Activision account with another player to participate in a our tournament will result in disqualification. Reverse boosting is not allowed and will result in disqualification. KD tanking is not allowed and will result in disqualification. Any account manipulation that gives unfair advantage in tournament play will result in disqualification. Vitalize Tournaments reserve the right to ban, disqualify or remove any team from a tournament to ensure fair play.

Checking In & Final Games :

Within 10 minutes of beginning your tournament, you must check in for your team with your team name + start time. Your last game must be started within your 3 hour slot, it may run over but you must be in the pre game lobby by the time your time slot has run out!

Rules: Welcome
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